Singing Guide: BYU Vocal Point

Singing Guide: BYU Vocal Point

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

BYU Vocal Point is an a cappella group known for their impressive vocal arrangements and tight harmonies. Led by McKay Crockett, they are a group of young men who have perfected the art of performing a capella music. In this article, we'll be discussing how to learn singing like BYU Vocal Point.

One of the unique vocal techniques that BYU Vocal Point is known for is their ability to create complex vocal harmonies. To achieve this, it's important to understand the different voice types and how they work together. The Singing Carrots article on Voice Types is helpful in identifying your own vocal range and how to find the right notes for your part.

A key part of creating the perfect harmonies is also mastering breath control, so as to maintain a consistent sound for each note. The Singing Carrots article on Breath Support will give you tips on how to improve your breath control while singing. The Vocal Range Test can also help you in finding your own vocal range and determining what notes you are capable of singing.

BYU Vocal Point is also known for their unique vocal arrangements of popular songs. To learn how to arrange your own songs like them, the Singing Carrots article on How to Learn a Song Effectively is helpful. Additionally, the Search Songs feature can be used to look for songs that match your vocal range and difficulty.

To create their signature sound, members of BYU Vocal Point commonly practice techniques like Twang, Growling, Vibrato, and more as seen in the Skill-related Videos section. These techniques can help you in developing your own unique vocal style and expand your singing capabilities.

Other resources include the Vocal Pitch Monitor and the Pitch Accuracy Test to ensure proper pitching, while the Educational Singing Game and Singing Course will help in educating and refining your singing skills.

In summary, creating the perfect harmonies and vocal arrangements, mastering breath control and expanding your range, and developing a signature style, are all integral to learning how to sing like BYU Vocal Point. The Singing Carrots resources on Voice Types, Breath Support, How to Learn a Song Effectively, and Skill-related Videos are all useful in achieving these objectives and can help you to become an accomplished singer like them.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.